Now Is Christ Risen from the Dead




Adult Class

Our adults meet together in our auditorium every Sunday morning where Howard Cottengim leads in Bible study. You will find a cirriculum that will promote spiritual growth, which is designed to draw you nearer to the Lord in your walk with Him. Please plan to atten just an hour before our morning worship and join us in our time of study.


Teen Class

Our teens meet in our fellowship hall led by Paul Crutchfield. The purpose of the local church youth ministry is to help equip families with the necessary tools from God's Word to lay the right foundation for the rest of life. Our task is to not take the place of parents, but to assist and encourage young people to be actively growing and serve the Lord while separated from the elements of this world. We must work to help entire families serve the Lord ogether. The essential for the youth minister is to walk with God and work with parents.


Children's Classes

You will find three classes for all ages of children from four years old through middle school. In these classes children are taught the Word of God, and will receive sound biblical instruction on how to successflly live their lives as a Christian. For those that do not know Christ as their Savior, they will be presented a clear presentation of the Gospel many times with opportunity to respond as their understanding matures to a point of exercising their self-will in biblical salvation. Children are a gift from God. They are given to parents, and it is the responsibility of parents to give their children back to God. Giving a child to God involves first he surrender of the parents' will to the will of God.



You will find a nursery with competent and very qualified workers. We encourage you to take advantage of our nursery for those with children from newborn to age three. Nothing serves as so precious a reminder of God's blessing to us as the birth of a child. Every newborn baby should have the joy and privilege of being brought into a truly Christian home. It is the responsibility of the local church nursery to provide all the help possible to parents as they seek to serve the Lord, bring their children to church, and teach their children to know God. With all the attention given to the physical facilities of the nursery, let us never forget the vital importance of the Christian Family.


Bus Ministry

We run a bus through our community to bring children and adults to Sunday School. Most of our children that attend our Sunday School classes ride in on our bus. While we have children that attend that are brought by their parents, we look to be an encouragement and a help to all through this ministry.